In this show we speak with Todd Walters – Founder and Executive Director of International Peace Park Expeditions. Walters has adapted Peace & Conflict Impact Assessment methodology to transboundary protected areas, and produced short documentary films in the Transcending Boundaries series which portray multiple stakeholder perspectives concerning environmental peacebuilding in transboundary protected areas. Walters is also a member of the Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature where he is developing a practitioners training curriculum on Transboundary Conservation best practices and is a Fellow at the Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security.
In this episode we speak with Doug Smith – Program Officer at the Rule of Law Center at the United States Institute of Peace....
How do we know the work we do actually benefits the communities we work in? In this episode, we talk with Bidjan Nashat with...
In this episode, we interview former USIP Senior Program Officer Candace Karp on countering violent extremism, as part of the course on Conflict Analysis....